Are Your Pets Suffering from Poor Indoor Air Quality in Grovetown, GA?

Regular exposure to poor indoor air quality can result in health problems, and your furry friends aren’t an exception. Air pollution is dangerous for your pets, too. Here are three ways your pets can be suffering from breathing in poor air in your Grovetown, GA residence.

Smog, Smokes and Fumes

A 2018 study showed that poor indoor air quality leads to respiratory illness in dogs. Yes, smog, smoke and fumes released by your home appliances can also affect your pets. They become prone to developing bronchitis and other nose and throat problems.

Some pets, especially dogs, are born with respiratory issues. That’s why any intrusion into their already affected breathing can cause drastic consequences.

Cats also face the same. Just like their canine counterparts, exposure to poor indoor air quality can affect their health negatively. According to another study conducted in 2011, cats suffer from asthma because of indoor and outdoor air pollution.

Chemicals and VOCs

Let’s face it. Your residence is generally home to countless chemicals that continuously circulate in the air, from disinfectants and air fresheners to a variety of volatile organic compounds(VOCs).

These compounds come from varnishes, wax, paint and other such sources. When released in bulk, they have a substantial effect on the health of your pets. They weaken the function of the heart and the lungs.

Dust Mites

Besides causing respiratory illness, poor indoor air quality provides a conducive environment for dust mites in your home. These mites live in bedding, upholstery, carpets and anywhere else they can find warmth.

Dust mites are deadly because they cause pet allergies such as skin infections, itching, ear infections and various inflammations. Eradicating them is essential for your pets’ health. One of the most efficient ways of doing this is through regular maintenance services.

Our certified and experienced professionals offer a wide range of heating and cooling services. We can help you find the best solution that will keep your indoor air fresh and clean. Contact Plunkett Heating & Air today to learn more about our indoor air quality services.

Image provided by iStock

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